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Supervision of Dissertations by Professor Hobe

Professor Hobe is generally willing to supervise doctoral theses that have a thematic connection to his research. In addition to the formal requirements according to the doctoral regulations (see below), acceptance as a doctoral candidate requires agreement on the topic by means of an exposé.



Preparing an exposé

Before you start to write your legal doctoral dissertation, you must get an agreement with Professor Hobe about the topic. This requires the writing of a 3 – 5 pages long exposé. Thereby please pay attention to the following four requirements:


  1. Why do you want to write this legal dissertation? (Why is the proposed topic of interest?).
  2. Research interest (in how far do you want to promote science with your dissertation?).
  3. What kind of literature does exist as concerns your topic? (In order to avoid writing on the same subject matter.).
  4. Short structure of the planned dissertation.


On the basis of this exposé, which you should also take into consideration during your writing of the dissertation you may discuss and enter into an agreement with Professor Hobe.


Promotion Office

 You can find out more about the requirements for the doctorate here.

