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Thanks to the generous support of the Erich-Becker foundation it has been possible for the Institute of Air and Space Law to advance the archiving of ICAO documents. From the financial means of the foundation so-called front flap boxes could be procured, wich facilitate the careful storage of the partly already fragile documents. In the boxes the documents are laid flat, are protected from light and dust and remain directly accessible. Without the donation of the Erich-Becker foundation the archiving would not have been possible.

In preparation of the documents being archived each individual document will be listed with its title, topic and year in order to make subsequent content searches easier. In future, an online catalogue will be made available here.


Background Information:

Since its creation, ICAO has documented its work in so-called documents.

The Institute of Air and Space Law has long been one (of two German) depository libraries and hereby undertakes a kind of archiving role of the documents.

Since 2014 the documents are no longer being provided to the depository libraries as printed works. ICAO is currently working on a solution in the form of a protected electronic provision.

